She turned 7 years old just ten days ago. My little baby girl is growing up so fast and I can't seem to find the pause button anywhere. It seems like just yesterday my sweet doctor placed a tiny pink baby in my arms with light blond hair. Her tiny little cries would set every single part of my body on alert mode until I could figure out what soothed her. In time, I began to anticipate her needs and things were much more smooth.
She no longer fits in just my forearm, snuggled up in a tightly wrapped satin blanket; rather her head is rapidly approaching my shoulders. The sweet little cries that use to rivet me have turned into soft whispers at night of, "I love you, Mommy."
She still captivates my heart with her giggles and wrestling, and her overly dramatic moments where she tries to be a grown-up make me laugh when I should be stern. I mean how are you suppose to spank a child for not listening to you when she's creatively making a castle out of the paper towel rolls in the aisle at HEB, in just a few brief moments? It's incredible how one little person can completely change your world.
She is her own person; special, unique and my little girl. She loves her high heels, and pink is her favorite color to wear. Anything sparkly and bright suits her just fine, and her clothes definitely portray her personality. She is very independent and is desperately trying to grow up while I am grasping to turn the hands of time backward.
She loves to chase mosquito hawks, catch roly poly's and dangle live crawfish by their antennae. Her eyes light up when she puts on my gym socks and wears them with her sparkly Toms (all because they're Mommy's). My girly tomboy!
Such an awesome responsibility and blessing, being a parent. How can I possibly describe the love for my child?