2:45 PM

Sometimes, You Just Gotta Laugh

My baby loves making these bracelets... and we knew that she was captivated with the creativity that making these invoked in her. She absolutely loves making things and loves receiving praise for her creations. My daughter is definitely an artistic person with a little bit of dramatic flair and a spunky, independent personality. What parent wouldn't be proud of her creations?

We were... until we received the following email from her after school care facility:

Yep... that's her. After talking with her, we found out she was the culprit entrepreneur who was selling these bracelets for $5 each. Comically enough, she got the idea when she traded her phone charger for her first bracelet. But she one-upped them; when she sold hers, she wanted cash. What am I suppose to say after that? It's pretty comical and I'm a bit proud of her entrepreneural endeavors. It's hard to discipline in this case, so we asked her not to sell those there and laughed.

Yep, that's my kid.