9:02 AM

First Grade: Memory Verses

Celeste has been learning John 1.  Bay Area Christian School uses the English Standard Version (ESV) and we're working on her memory verses every night.  She's doing AMAZING for a first grader!

Note: If you can't see the above video, go to the blog at http://amandajtaylor.blogspot.com.

I am incredibly proud of her! She is doing such an amazing job in school! 

Last night, I was watching her do her homework. She's reading books and interpreting what she's read, and she's doing simple addition (the kind that we didn't do until 2nd grade). I was so proud of her that exuberantly, I asked for a high-five. She hesitantly gave me one, then coolly said, "It's fist bumps now, Mom."

Suddenly, I've become a dinosaur. It's bittersweet watching her grow up so fast.