4:41 AM

Geek Moment ...

Every flight, the NASA JSC photographers come around and take our photos on console. It makes me nervous when I realize they are there, and I am never quite sure how to react.

This flight, when the photographer came around, I was right in the middle of working Focused Inspection procedures with other consoles, so I didn't notice him at first. So he got a photo of me really working!

Dwight & me at the TPS Imagery Coordinator console in the Shuttle Mission Evaluation Room in Houston's Mission Control Center

Normally I don't post these. However, there is only one more shuttle flight left, and then everything goes in the history books and off to museums. This is for my family, my parents and my daughter.

When I was a kid, in elementary school, I had decided to become an astronaut. I really wanted to go up in a space shuttle and orbit the earth. I used to imagine myself flying around up there, chasing food, marbles, etc. as they floated around in zero gravity (hey, I was a kid). While I gave up on that long ago, I certainly was blessed to come closer than I had ever dreamed possible. God has truly smiled on me.

I love my job; I really, really love my job.