2:22 AM

Memorial Day Weekend Fun

To celebrate Memorial Day weekend, my whole family went to Frankie Carter Randolph Park and had a little fun time together. Dad grilled chicken breasts, very spicy venison sausage, a few hamburger patties and a couple of hot dogs for the kiddos.

Celeste was sooooooo very excited to see my mom ("Nana") at the park. She ran up to her and I had to get this picture. What kid isn't happy about seeing the one who spoils them rotten?

Celeste and Nana

I took these video of Celeste as she was playing right after we got to the park. In retrospect, I just realized that I've turned into one of those moms who is nerdily prompting her kid to answer questions from behind the camera. Oh man. I'm a minivan mom without the minivan.

In this next video, I asked Celeste about going to school in August, and her friend Jude. He's a cute little boy from church that she plays with a lot. They are pretty good little friends, and will be going to the same school in League City this August.

This next one is well ... my brother. It's Gabe ... need I say more??