11:08 AM

Chocolate Heaven & Randomness

So tomorrow is our big day. At shortly after 2:00pm tomorrow afternoon, Eric and I will have been married for 6 years. It's hard to believe, the time has flown by. More about that tomorrow.

About a year and a half ago, I decided I was fed up with my weight and shape and decided to do something about it. Along the way, I lost about 30 pounds, went from a size 12 to a 4/6 and began working out 4-5 days/week. It was great when Eric began working out with me, too. We'd meet at the gym at the end of our work days and motivate each other. But slowly, things in life have happened to where we don't really do that much anymore. To be truthful, it's 1-2 times/week that we go now, and I wish it was more. This week, I've been sick and those of you who workout know that when you're sick, it feels like you can't do anything when you're working out, or that your have horrible workouts. But last week, we were just busy or too tired. I really miss going to the gym every day!

Why did I say all of that at the beginning of a blog called "Chocolate Heaven?" Here's why. One of my guilty pleasures is chocolate. I love it. If it's in the house, I'll eat it. One of the things I had to change about my eating habits was to make sure we didn't keep any chocolate in the house.

So my dear, sweet husband brought me home a surprise the other evening. He walked in with this bag, and I knew. The purple bag carried the gold metallic logo of one of my favorite dessert places, ever, The Chocolate Bar.

The Chocolate Bar

What laid there in waiting were four layers of chocolate cake, each held together by difference types of chocolate filling, and a rich chocolate icing on the top and side, with a smattering of toffee bits on the top. There isn't much about food that really excites me, but this ... is ... amazing! And it's huge, larger than my palm completely spread out.

Layers of Delicious

As I indulged in every bite (of course I shared it, couldn't put this away by myself), I closed my eyes and just focused on the delicious chocolate symphony in my mouth. It was divine. It wasn't until I neared bite 9 or 10 that I thought, "Oh my God, the calories I'm putting away!!" and I stopped. But those bites were heavenly. And yes, my husband is a sweetheart for being so thoughtful.