9:39 AM

Sweet Prayers

Yesterday, I was in my Managerial Accounting class at UHCL when I missed a phone call from Ms. Linda, Celeste's daycare provider. So I stepped out of class and found a spot in the atrium where I could get signal, and returned the call.

UHCL atrium

Imagine, Ms. Linda does not usually call unless something is wrong. So my heart was racing. Millions of thoughts were rushing through my mind. So when she answered, the first thing Ms. Linda said was, "You know that area in the daycare where I keep the foam blocks? Next to the metal shelves?"

Panic. My heart began pounding. "Yes?" I said.

"Well, your daughter was over there playing and she cut herself. It was a very tiny cut on her finger, but she did the cutest thing!"

Relief. A tiny cut, whew! No trips to the ER tonight.

Then Ms. Linda continued, "She said, I have to go pray for this, and she went and knelt behind the little cubby and literally prayed for her tiny cut!"

I can just imagine her now, eyes closed, hands clasped and asking Jesus to take care of her little tiny cut. So cute!

When I asked her this morning to show me how she had prayed for her cut (I'd wanted to take a picture of her pose), she said very matter-of-factly, "I can't remember what I said."

I love her. With all of my heart.