5:35 PM

Ribbons and Bows and Tea Parties

This evening finds me sitting in bed, surrounded by a mound of pillows and an array of textbooks, laptop in hand. School work isn't easy when you have a family and a career, but it's important so here I am (writing a blog, haha).

Celeste came in here while Eric was out getting something for us to eat, and in her extremely excited way, she shouted, "Mommy! Mommy!! Come here and see what I made!" Then she took off running, her little feet making that soft pitter-patter sound on our wood floors. I followed her to her bathroom, where she had arranged some of her tea set on the side of the bathtub, and had placed her hair ribbons and bows carefully on each piece. She was so excited about her handiwork that I had to take a photo and share it.

Ribbons and Bow and Tea Parties

Yesterday, I spent the entire day at a Leadership Training Conference at the University of Houston-Clear Lake. It's part of my requirement, and the best part of the conference was hearing Troy Stende. He was a great speaker and was very motivational. One of the things that he said that has really stuck with me was "The things that we say affect us on a cellular level," and he showed how positive words are very empowering. He handed all of us these blue ribbons that said, "Who I Am Makes A Difference," and today, I gave one to Celeste. I sat her down, had both of her tiny little hands in mine and I told her how special she is to me, and how much I love her and adore her. She's the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen and has the best smile and personality, and I made sure that she knew that today. I would say that I wish you could have seen her smile, but she kept that same smile all day; she was shining from the inside out. And she has not taken off her little blue ribbon.


She is the most beautiful person and I hope that I never forget to let her know that every single day for the rest of her life.