11:34 PM

Christmas Weekend

This weekend began with another Thomasson family tradition, the Friendswood Christmas Homes Tour. We met at one of the houses shortly after 1:00pm on Saturday and "Ooohed" and "Awwwed" over the decorations, and there were a few stunned gasps. After the first house (which had a Christmas tree decorated like a Santa Claus), we made the trek to Starbucks and spent a little family time drinking the warm drinks of the season. Then we visited the remaining three houses. I love the tour. It's so much fun every year.

Our day ended with bringing down the Christmas decorations in the Taylor household from the attic. Man, do we have a lot! Celeste was ecstatic about putting up the tree and the train that we have that goes underneath, so we began decorating the house. While we were getting the decorations sorted out, Celeste was playing with her little nativity figurines that were handed down to her from my cousin, Emily. Emily played with this set when she was Celeste's age, or a little younger. Now that she's in college, Emily's graduated to a different type of decorating interest and has graciously shared these little guys with Celeste. Celeste's first thing she said this year when I gave her the little set was, "Mom! Where's the other Jesus?!" As if there were suppose to be two. Ha!

Celeste's Nativity

While we were putting together the tree (I somehow forgot to take any pictures of the tree), Celeste was filming us. Of course, this was after she'd given up on hanging ornaments on it herself.

Celeste FilmingGuest Bathroom

And then I began working on the guest bathroom. It's Celeste's bathroom, really, and I think I'm going to go with a theme more about her this year where I can. In the bathroom, I've hung up a cute little foam wreath that she glued together in Christmas 2008 (she was two), and also a Christmas tree made of her hand prints that she created at Ms. Linda's last year, in 2009 (she was three).

Celeste's Christmas Projects from Years Past

I still need to bring out the garland, and there's a but more to do in here. But for now, it is slowly starting to come together.

Guest Bathroom Begins...

Okay, I didn't have these present things meant for the dining table, but Eric likes them so they're staying. I need to work on this a bit more if it's going to stay this way as well. I'm thinking some ribbons? Maybe some picks, I don't know. We'll see!

Kitchen Table

Celeste is so excited about Christmas. Now that we have the tree up, she keeps asking me if it's Christmas time yet. Thanksgiving hasn't even come yet!