10:53 PM

Gettin Sum Edumakashun

So this evening, I'm screaming inside with excitement and just have to let it out. Facebook isn't quite appropriate for this, and since this is mainly only read by my family and a few close friends, here goes.

My Day:
Ms. Linda called today just about lunch time to inform me that Celeste was running a 102.0 fever. So I left work and picked her up, and set her up on our bed with all the Netflix kid's movies she wanted to watch at her fingertips, some juice and medicine. Believe it or not, my normally on-the-go daughter stayed in bed for the remainder of the day, burning up. I think it's just one of those 24-Hour bugs that kids seem to get, so I'm going to wait it out and see how things are in the morning before taking her to the doctor.

Being Thanksgiving week, most of the classes at school have let out for the week. However, one of my classes was still having our weekly session at 4:00pm, and after Eric came home I made a mad dash up to the campus.

Managerial Accounting:
So I have this great group of girls that I study with in my Managerial Accounting class. They are awesome. We studied hard together for the last couple of tests because we all knew we had to do something after our first exam. And the study group worked; it has really paid off. I made a C on the first exam (the class average was a low 60, a D), and then an A on the next two (last week's included).

Now, the big news. At the beginning of the class, while I was still at home with Celeste, Maricela (one of the girls) had text me and let me know what my grade was on last week's exam. She asked me the last four digits of my student ID, and I waited...

...and waited

...and waited

...all the while staring at my phone, just waiting for it to light up showing her response. And finally, after much anticipation, it came.

A 100!! I was the only one in the class to make a perfect score!! I'm so ecstatic! And the class average on this exam was a 66!

I'm just still in shock. The professor isn't counting our first exam grade at all, it's been thrown out. So in a class that freaked me out after the first exam, I'm now passing with an A+ average.

It may not be a big deal to you, but it is to me! I'm loving it!

After School:
And then after class, I came home to find my sweetheart snuggled up in our bed, thumb in mouth and blanket in her other hand. She was still warm but still sat straight up in bed just to give me a tight hug and tell me how much she missed my being gone. She warms my heart.